John 15:9-11
We have two Purple Passion plants in our house which originated from a single cutting someone gave me several years ago. These two plants are thriving, and from them have come other cuttings which have grown into plants that I gave away to friends. The plants bring me joy and I hope that their offspring bring joy to those who have received them.
Today’s passage is part of John’s account of the Last Supper, the time where Jesus was with his disciples in the Upper Room. Jesus has compared himself to a vine, explaining that the disciples are the branches. They are spiritually growing out of his teaching. Now he tells them to remain in his love and obey his commands.
What will happen if the disciples remain in Christ’s love? What two reasons does Jesus give for telling them this?
The image of the True Vine that Jesus uses reminds me of the plants I have. From a single source much joy has been spread over the years. Each portion that is cut away and used to grow another plant has the same basic substance as that original stem.
Jesus has instilled his Spirit in his disciples. He is the source of the great love they have received and the great love they shared in their own ministries. From them, those who have obeyed the commands of Christ have passed on that same love, that same substance of the Holy Spirit. From that true vine of Christ many branches have spread.
Jesus told the disciples all that he had to say so that they might feel the same joy that Jesus knew. He knew the joy of being in step with the Holy Spirit of God, of being in communion with the Almighty. He wanted them to feel joy, and that joy would be complete joy.
Complete joy is that all-encompassing peace and happiness that comes when you know, deeply and confidently, that God is with you. When you are in step with the Holy Spirit you are surrounded and filled with that confidence, that security of knowing God is with you in all things. It allows you to live a life of fullness and happiness, a life free from fears and worries.
That same joy is Christ’s desire for us as well. He wants us to be filled with the joy that he knows. He wants our joy to be complete, whole, all-encompassing. He wants the joy of being in tune with the Holy Spirit to fill us at all times.
DAILY CHALLENGE: How can you remind yourself that you are rooted in Christ, connected to Christ, and springing forth from our Savior? How can you remember that you should be filled with joy?
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