Many years ago I knew a pastor who kept the doors to the parsonage unlocked at all times. Yes! Even in the middle of the night, even when the family was gone from home all day, the doors were unlocked. It was an expression of faith. It was a living out of faithfulness.
The passage for today is only part of the whole story of Abraham and his son Isaac. What does God ask Abraham to do? What does Abraham do? What does Abraham tell his servants in verse 5?
As a parent this story has always made me weak in the knees. I love God very deeply, but the thought of sacrificing any of my children (even when I am angry with them) is just not something I can imagine. Nor can I imagine intentionally leaving my doors unlocked at all times.
Yet, faithfulness is part of the fruit of the Spirit. It is one of the aspects of living in step with the Holy Spirit that we are called to live out in our lives. We are called to be faithful in our relationship with God and in our dealings with other people. We are called to be persistent and constant in our faith; that is faithfulness.
The Greek word for faithfulness is pistis (pronounced PEE-steez). The pastor with the unlocked doors was able to show faithfulness by trusting God would watch over the house. Abraham displays pistis by following God’s commands even when, we can certainly assume, they were commands Abraham did not want to follow.
As an example of Abraham’s faithfulness, one pastor has pointed out the wording of verse 5. As Abraham departs with Isaac, ostensibly to sacrifice him, Abraham says, “we will come back to you.” “We.” He uses the word “we.” Abraham had the faithfulness that God would, somehow in some way, work out this predicament and spare Isaac.
That is faithfulness – moving forward with what you believe in and trusting completely that God will provide. That, in my opinion, is an indication of a very strong faith, when you can move through life with the peace and confidence that everything will be alright because God is in charge. This is the fruit we are called to exhibit – steady, confident faith that carries us through all things.
(If you would like to see the whole story of Abraham and Isaac, go to Genesis 22:1-18.)
DAILY CHALLENGE: What is your biggest fear? What can you do to start trusting God with that fear?
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