All of my life, it seems, I have heard the story of how my mother made a pie once and forgot the salt. Needless to say the situation was memorable because the pie was such a flop. One little ingredient left out and the whole thing was ruined.
Leaving out any other ingredient or not following directions on the baking temperature and time would have also ruined the pie. It all has to be mixed together properly to be a success.
We have read this passage before. For the past three months we have been looking at the fruit of the Spirit listed in verses 22 and 23. What else is said in verse 24?
The nine aspects of the fruit of the Spirit can be a challenge to every one of us. It may be a struggle to be able to live out these characteristics. Yet these are necessary to be living as Christians. If we are in step with the Holy Spirit we will be exhibiting the fruit of the Spirit – every aspect of it.
Now we are faced with another challenge. Yet this challenge goes hand in hand with living out the fruit of the Spirit.
If we will be genuine Christians, following Jesus and living in step with the Holy Spirit, we will exhibit the fruit of the Spirit AND we will crucify the sinful nature within us. If we will accept the sacrifice of Christ’s crucifixion, then we need a crucifixion of our own. We need to put to death our former way of living. We need to put to death our sinful desires and our selfish impulses which prevent us from living out the fruit of the Spirit.
These three verses are intertwined and meshed together. Love – agape – helps us to exhibit the other eight parts of the fruit of the Spirit. Living out the first eight parts helps us to have self-control – egkrateia. And having egkrateia helps us live out the first eight.
Likewise, crucifying the sinful nature allows you to live out the fruit of the Spirit, and if you exhibit the fruit of the Spirit you will be crucifying the sinful nature. Those who belong to Christ have crucified the sinful nature.
DAILY CHALLENGE: Which ingredient (or ingredients) are you missing?
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