This story from 2 Kings is about a time when the army of Aram, to the north, has laid siege to the city of Samaria in Israel. The siege has caused a shortage of food and the people are desperate, so much so that the king of Israel is ready to kill Elisha, the prophet, in anger.
What does Elisha predict (as compared to 2 Kings 6:25)? How does the officer respond? What does Elisha predict about the officer?
Elisha’s prediction seems a bit vague, but what is intended is that the prices of food which are high because of the famine, will drop due to an abundance of food. In spite of the siege and the resulting lack of food, somehow there will be an abundance within a day. A miracle will happen to give relief to these people.
Yet, the officer who is escorting the king will not believe that such a miracle will happen. The result? The officer will not get to take part in the miracle.
This prediction from Elisha is one of many of this prophet’s miraculous predictions and deeds. But, for our purposes, we do not need to look at the mystical qualities of the miracle. Instead we can look at the king and the choices he must make.
On one hand he has the prophet of God claiming God will do something wonderful for those who have faith. On the other hand he has the officer who serves as his escort casting doubts. Will he listen to the prophet or the sensible officer?
The same question is posed for us each day. Will we believe and have faith in God that all will work out according to God’s purpose? Will we believe that God can turn the impossible into the possible and provide and protect us no matter what the circumstances?
Or will we rely on our own human logic and claim that the impossible will always be impossible?
When we fail to trust in the miracles of God we become like the officer. We miss out on being part of the miracle. We pass over the opportunities to see God’s mighty hand doing wondrous things. This isn’t mystical or magical; it’s simple common sense. If you doubt God you don’t get to be part of the miracles. It is when you trust in the mighty power of our Lord that you get to experience the incredible miracles of the Almighty.
DAILY CHALLENGE: When will you need to trust in God’s miracles?
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