Revelation 22:12-16
An apparent trend in bigger cities is people going to clubs, waiting in line and hoping they will be the ones selected as “hip” and “trendy” enough to enter in. They hope that they will be the ones acceptable enough to be granted entrance into this exclusive gathering.
Fortunately for us we are offered an even better banquet and party than these clubs. Our invitation is to come to the table of God and enjoy the wonderful mercy and graciousness of our eternal Father. And it isn’t how we look or how we dress or how we stand that will get us in. Instead, it is what is in our hearts that grants us entrance into this incredible experience of communion with God.
But what are the details of our invitation? How are we to be prepared?
Today’s passage speaks to that. What is Jesus bringing with him? How does Christ describe himself? Who is allowed in? Who is left outside? Where do we get this information (verse 16)?
Through the author of Revelation Jesus is communicating to all believers. He proclaims that he is coming. Again, we can look at this as the second coming of Christ, the Rapture, the Apocalypse, the end of time.
But we can also view this on a personal level. Perhaps Jesus is coming to each one of us individually when we are ready to accept him as Savior. This would help explain Matthew 24:36 – that no one knows the day or hour.
Regardless of your personal interpretation of what is meant, the fact remains that only those who “wash their robes” have the right to the tree of life. And Jesus is not talking about outer garments. It is not important what we wear, but what is in our hearts and souls.
Have we washed the robes of our hearts? Have we cleansed our souls? Are we prepared to accept the invitation of God to be in His presence?
We must be prepared to receive Christ in whatever manner he comes to us. We must set our hearts and minds on the kingdom of God. We must make our hearts humble and contrite before the Lord, accept his invitation, and allow ourselves to be transformed by our relationship with him. Then we will be prepared to enter in to the banquet and sit at the Lord’s table.
DAILY CHALLENGE: How can you “wash your robes” to prepare yourself for God’s table?
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