2 Corinthians 3:17-18
More and more people who call our house are not certain if it is me answering the phone or one of our two sons. As they grow older their voices are sounding more and more like mine. As they grow older I see myself in their faces more and more, as well.
In today’s reading Paul talks about the growth and change that believers may experience. What is the Lord? What exists where the Spirit is? What do we reflect? What should be happening to us?
Just prior to this passage Paul is making reference to Moses (see 2 Corinthians 3:13). He is specifically talking about the times Moses stood in the presence of God. When he did that his face would begin to shine, so Moses would wear a veil to hide his gleaming face (see Exodus 34:29-35).
This was a physical veil to conceal his face, but Paul is talking about spiritual veils. When we are with the Lord, or the Spirit, when we live a life dedicated to God then we have freedom. We are free from sin and free from the fears and worries of life. God is with us. Why should we fear or worry?
And the joy and peace and love that comes from living with God in our hearts should be evident in who we are. But do we reflect this joy and peace to others? Or do we veil ourselves? Is our faith and is our new life in Christ something we share or something we keep to ourselves?
We are called to reflect the love of God. People should be able to see who Christ was by looking at the way we live. And the more we live out our Christian faith and the more we exhibit the fruit of the Spirit, the more we become Christ-like.
We are being transformed into more perfect people. We are growing in our faith, deepening in our faith. We do that by living our faith and living it openly for others to see.
DAILY CHALLENGE: How can you reflect the Lord’s glory today?
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