1 Samuel 25:9-13
My sister shared the story of when she and her friends went to Washington, D.C. and visited the Smithsonian Institute. They wanted to see the big American flag that inspired Francis Scott Key to write “The Star Spangled Banner.” They searched for a long time through the halls of the building unable to find this famous icon. They came at last to one of the workers there and asked where they might find the flag.
“You mean that one?” he asked, pointing to the wall behind them. What they were looking for was practically under their noses, yet they had not seen it. The same can be true of the blessings God offers.
In this passage David has sent a message to Nabal asking that David’s men, those who have helped protect Nabal, will be given food. What is Nabal’s response? How does David react?
Nabal is a wealthy man with property, goats and sheep. Unbeknownst to Nabal, while his servants were out tending their flocks David’s soldiers were kind to them, offering protection through their presence and treating them with respect. Now David would like to share in some of the blessings that Nabal is enjoying.
But Nabal is a surly and mean-spirited man and refuses to offer hospitality to David’s men. This is a mistake.
For one thing, Nabal owes David some gratitude for the way his servants have been treated. Second, being hospitable to a man as powerful as David would result in good things for Nabal.
But Nabal does not see this. He is not aware of the blessings he has already received, nor is he aware of what he could receive, so he rejects David’s request. In so doing he is rejecting potential blessings and stirring the wrath of David.
How often in our own lives do we overlook the blessings that we have already received? How often do we reject the opportunity for more blessings?
Those people I have encountered who can not find it in themselves to believe in God claim that their lives are filled with hardships. How can there be a God? They do not see the goodness that God gives freely every day. They do not see the blessings they have already received, and then pass over the opportunity to receive more.
God has given us many good and wonderful blessings, and He will give us more if we will simply accept them. But first we must recognize what we have received and be attentive to opportunities to accept God’s invitation to more.
DAILY CHALLENGE: Can you list the blessings God has already given you?
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