Exodus 14:27-31
When I planned to challenge the church with a new outreach opportunity, a ministry we had never tried before, someone at the planning meeting told me I had better “really sell the idea” to the congregation. Aware that it was a big undertaking, I handed it over to God and He inspired me that Sunday morning to ask members to share the feelings they experienced when they had performed outreach in the past.
It wasn’t me who convinced the congregation. It was God’s inspiration and the heartfelt words of church members that brought about a huge commitment from the church. And the one who had suggested that I sell the idea told said, “Well, you did it.”
Today’s passage is the conclusion of the first stage of Moses’ story. He has taken the snake by the tail, trusted God, and moved forward with a daunting ministry. Suffering through nine plagues, Pharaoh decided to release the Hebrews so they might return to Canaan. But then he changed his mind and decided to pursue them.
What does Moses do to stop the pursuing Egyptians? What does God do? According to verse 30 who saved the Israelites? How do they respond?
When we are challenged to do work for God it is easy to be intimidated by what might be in store. When we serve the kingdom of God successfully it is also easy to think that our own abilities brought about the success.
I believe that the challenges are there so that we must trust in God, leaning on Him and not on our own understanding (see Proverbs 3:5-6). Then, when we have success, we need to acknowledge the true author of that success – God.
I believe God proves His power time and time again to us so that eventually we can grow confident in being daring for God. When we dare and we trust, then God will sustain us and make our work successful and good.
We need to open our eyes and see who it is that gives us ability. And we need to take confidence from this so that we might be willing to do more for God.
DAILY CHALLENGE: Share with someone about a success in ministry that came from God.
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