Psalm 42:1-2
Years ago we used to visit a web site that had cameras positioned at African watering holes. The camera took photos every thirty seconds or so and then published them to the Internet. You could watch these pictures and in time see a wide variety of animals coming to drink – lions, elephants, hyenas, gazelles, and zebras.
You never knew what you might see. But the same was true of the animals. They never knew what other animal might already be at the watering hole when they arrived. But it didn’t matter. They needed to drink.
This psalm presents a similar image. To what animal does the psalmist compare our souls? Who does the writer’s soul thirst for? What is the question asked?
Water is that life-giving element that all creatures need to survive. The image of a deer in a parched land longing to take a deep drink of fresh water conjures up an image of desperate need and longing.
Like the writer of the psalm, we too should thirst for the presence of God in our lives. We too desperately need to be renewed through the life-giving abilities of God. That sensation of thirst that we can all identify with at one time or another should be similar to the desire of our souls. We should desperately desire to have our own spirits refreshed by God.
But we do not have to wait until we feel desperation or hopelessness. The psalmist asks “When can I go and meet with God?” The answer is that at any time we can turn to the Lord and allow our spirits to be in His refreshing presence. And if we are able to meet with God, spend time in prayer and communion with the living God, then we will always have that source of strength and renewing energy to face our lives.
The spiritual thirst that is described is something we must surely feel every day, and something we should feel every day. Our time with God does not need to be limited to our times of desperation. Instead we should always ask “When can we meet with God?”
And we should know that the answer is “now, always.” We can always stand in the presence of God and feel His refreshing presence.
DAILY CHALLENGE: Take time daily to meet with God.
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