John 6:30-35
As I mentioned a few weeks back, our youth took part in a ministry outreach at the Cincinnati Vineyard church. When asked about the experience much of the responses were focused on the bands that played and the great people they met. Our friend then reminded them all not to forget the good work they had done in serving God’s kingdom.
The experience was good. It was enjoyable and it was also a great service to the kingdom of God. But it was easy for the fun experiences to begin to outshine the holy purpose of what was done.
At the beginning of John 6 we have the story of Jesus with his disciples as Jesus feeds a huge crowd of people. Afterward the crowds go out looking for Jesus who has crossed the Sea of Galilee. When they find him they ask questions, but Jesus perceives that they are looking for physical reward, more food, and he teaches them about working for God.
What question does the crowd ask in verse 30? What comment does Jesus make about Moses and the manna from heaven? What do the crowds ask for? How does Jesus describe himself?
So much of what Jesus did in his ministry addressed the physical needs of so many people. He healed the sick. The lame could walk. He caused the blind to see. He drove out demons. He even provided food for the hungry.
It was so easy to begin seeing Jesus as a man from God who was there to make things better, but only in a physical sense. And the same can be said of us. So many can see Jesus as that teacher or helper who leads us through the difficulties of life and makes our physical life easier to handle.
We need to remember that Jesus does more than just meet our physical and emotional needs. He is more than a healer and a helper.
Jesus is that spiritual mediator between us and God. He is the spiritual bread that we can feed on in our souls so that we might move closer to that state of perfection and the presence of God.
By drawing close to Christ not only are we physically and emotionally better off, we gain spiritual strength as well. Jesus is the true bread from heaven. He is the source of sustenance for our souls, so that spiritually we are better off. And when we have that soul nourishment the physical challenges seem so much less important.
By feeding on Christ, learning from him and spending time in his presence, we will find a peace in our very souls, a peace that comes from knowing we are brought to God through the Son.
DAILY CHALLENGE: How can your soul feed off the true bread from heaven?
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