Matthew 16:13-17
The famous quote from Romeo and Juliet, “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet” comes to mind as I think of today’s reading. What is meant by this familiar adage? It is not the name that determines who a person is, it is the qualities and behavior of that person which determines the true essence of a person.
Jesus is asking his disciples if anyone has determined the true essence of who he is. Why do you think John, Elijah, Jeremiah and other prophets come to the minds of those people? How does Jesus narrow the focus? How did Peter know what to say?
The issue of true qualities has arisen on several occasions in our household lately. There are people in the lives of our children who bear the title “teacher,” yet their skills and behavior seem to contradict that calling. There are others we know who bear the title “reverend,” yet their actions and attitudes seem to contradict that label. Some people have the title of “husband” or “wife,” but they do not seem to take that duty to heart.
Jesus could earn the title of “prophet” or “teacher” because of what he did. He brought social wrongs to the attention of the public. He offered instruction on how to live life properly. He confronted hypocrisy and offered solace to the needy.
But he was and is far greater than a mere prophet or teacher. We saw in John 14:6 that Jesus is the way to know God, the Father. And being this way to the Father, Jesus is also our Savior.
Peter was able to recognize that Jesus was “the Christ” – the chosen or anointed one – “the Son of the living God.” And how did he know this? Through the enlightenment of God, the Father. Peter’s soul sought the Lord. His spirit drew close to the Holy Spirit of God, and Peter spent time in the presence of Christ.
In so doing, he became aware of who Jesus really is. He could see beyond the superficial impressions that most people had – that Jesus was a prophet and teacher. He could see him as truly the Son of God.
We are called to seek the Holy Spirit, to draw near to God, the Father, and to spend time in the presence of Christ. In that way we can see the true qualities of the man we know as “Jesus.”
DAILY CHALLENGE: Who do you say Jesus is?
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