Today we finish with the beatitudes. And I'm not sure any of us can wrap our brains around a politician who is "pure in heart" but we'll try!
When deciding which candidate to support, whether on a local or national level, it's important that we as Christians consider all facets of our faith. So today's four comments from Jesus give us more to think about:
- Which candidates show mercy, both in the personal relationships and policies?
- Who is pure in heart (no, I did not just snort) in their desire to serve their community or nation?
- Who can we see being a peacemaker? Who will try to bring people together to have better relationships and find concensus in their solutions? Who can bring nations together to solve crises as they arise?
- Who will protect those who have been and are being persecuted?
It's hard to step outside of our political parties and personal histories and look at the candidates in various races through the eyes of Jesus. But I believe that we do have to ask ourselves the question... What would Jesus vote?
One important thing that we all need to remember as we enter the final weeks of hotly contested elections from local Sheriff to President... every person running is a child of God. Every person running... whether we agree with their political stance or not... is someone that Christ died for. It's HARD to love those we disagree with, but we are commanded to love our neighbor as ourselves. And since Jesus defined "neighbor" as the lowliest person on the Jewish totem pole, I don't think we get a pass for political disagreements!
DAILY CHALLENGE: Pray for the candidate you don't support... Pray that he or she will be guided by God in all they do.
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