Isaiah 9:6-7
The season of Advent is the season of waiting, expecting and anticipating. It reminds us of the long wait that the world had for the coming of the Messiah. The prophet Isaiah predicted the coming of this great Savior. But the question was, who would this Messiah be?
This passage from Isaiah answers the question. Who is the Messiah? What all is said of this Messiah?
More than two-thousand years after that first Christmas we know who the Savior was. The Son of God, as predicted here, was born to set everyone free from sin and oppression. This was a tremendous gift from God. It was a perfect act of perfect love meant to bring us into the presence of the Almighty.
This small infant born in such unassuming circumstances would become the fulfillment of this familiar prophecy. Jesus was the wonderful Counselor. He was the Mighty God, everlasting Father and the Prince of peace. But what do all of these terms mean to us?
As a counselor Jesus is that companion and advisor who accompanies us on our journey in life. This concept separates belief in Christ with all the other religions. Our God is not a deity who looks down from the heavens at us as if we were small creatures under his inspection. Rather, God is among us, beside us, with us. He is that companion who is there to assist and comfort by being ever present.
We can turn to Jesus as we can turn to any counselor, seeking immediate help and advice. Christ is beside us always to offer guidance and strength. God is present at all times and we are not alone.
And this counselor of ours, able to take his place among us mortals, is still a powerful force. Our world may be divided into nations, each with its own authority. But the government of life is on the shoulders of Christ our King.
His kingdom is forever and encompasses all who live. Jesus rules us with justice and righteousness, now and forever. And that great Savior, that perfect expression of God’s love, is beside us as an everlasting companion.
Our wait is over because it never was. Jesus is there for us when we are ready to accept him and embrace him as our counselor and guide. And this is the reason for celebrating Christmas, remembering that God came down in human form to be among those He loved so much.
DAILY CHALLENGE: What name would you give to describe Jesus?
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