1 Peter 4:9-10
I have been inside almost every home of every member of our churches. I have been given meals at some homes. I have been welcomed in others to sit and have a drink and spend time in conversation. In other houses my visits are brief, but their hospitality is sent to me in the form of encouraging cards or gifts.
I believe it is an important part of being a Christian that we connect with one another. I don’t want to make myself to be a pest by intruding in other people’s lives, and I don’t want my home invaded every day. But it is good to spend time in fellowship, and visitors are always welcome at our house.
We should not exist in isolation. It is not good to remove yourself from contact with others. We need to make connections with one another to share the love of Christ with the body of Christ.
In today’s passage from 1 Peter it is pretty clear what we are supposed to do. What are we to do? What should be our attitude? What else are we told to do?
Peter is very blunt here. Offer hospitality. Welcome other people into your home. And more than that, do it without grumbling. Be glad that you are able to welcome others into your home. Be happy about the fellowship you can share with others.
And if you do not feel that you are the best of hosts, then extend your hospitality outward by doing good things for others. Be outwardly hospitable with your talents and gifts. Express God’s grace through good deeds and kind acts. Serve others with your talent and do it faithfully.
This is an important part of being in the family of faith under Christ. First we must accept one another in the love of Christ, working toward unity under God, the Father. Then we need to have fellowship with one another, sharing time and talents together, spurring one another on with encouragement, love and hope.
DAILY CHALLENGE: How often are you hospitable with your Christian brothers and sisters? Do you need to initiate a time of getting together?
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