1 Peter 3:8-9
Neither my wife nor I are good patients when we are sick. Being ill makes us both irritable and difficult to be around. And of course the first impulse is to leave the other person alone, but that won’t work. When we are sick we need someone to tend to us. So, in spite of the irritability we experience, we serve the other who is ill, being compassionate and helpful.
Peter has some words to guide the believers in Jesus, instructions for being part of the body of Christ. What five things are we supposed to demonstrate to one another? What should we not do? Why should we do this?
It isn’t always an illness or infirmity that makes some of us hard to get along with. Some people are just naturally abrasive and abrupt, even with the sisters and brothers of their own faith family. While working together as a church, worshiping together, serving together, we sometimes step on one another’s toes. We make each other frustrated or angry.
We are all human and therefore fallible. None of us is perfect. But we are called to live in harmony with one another. We are called to get along. And it can be easier to get along, to be in harmony, when we are sympathetic with one another.
When we can recognize that we are all the same, with shortcomings and failings, it is easier to have sympathy for others. It is easier to love one, and through that love we can have compassion for one another.
Even when we offend another or are offended by another, we must work to restrain ourselves. We should not respond in anger and with vengeance. We should not look for ways to get even or pay back the offense.
Instead, we need to offer blessings to one another, serving each other in love and compassion. We are called to this. God calls us to behave in this way. And, when we can live in harmony, love and compassion, we will be blessed.
But all of this can only come about when we are willing to offer forgiveness to one another.
DAILY CHALLENGE: Have you been hurt or offended by a Christian brother or sister? How can you forgive the offense and then provide a blessing to that person?
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