Romans 15:13-14
In a worship service two years ago I called on various people who had done mission work to have them tell their stories. When I called on one man in the congregation the first thing he said was, “I haven’t been anywhere.”
It was true, he had never gone to another country on a mission trip, but he had done God’s work locally. He simply had to tell the other people what he felt when he served God. And in his simple and honest story he was teaching others, providing them with a wonderful example of faith.
We do not have to travel the world visiting leper colonies or building hospitals to do God’s work. We do not have to be experts in the Bible, fully versed in Hebrew and Greek, to teach others about Jesus. We just need to be faithful believers willing to do whatever we are called to do and able to do. And we can teach, not through books and lectures and papers, but through example. We can teach by sharing our own stories honestly.
In his letter to the Romans Paul expresses some positive attitudes. What belief does he share in verse 14? What two things does Paul pray for in verse 13?
The letter to the church in Rome was not addressed to a select few, but was intended to all those believers in that city. Paul was addressing a large group, a whole church. And yet he was convinced that they were competent to instruct one another.
It is very unlikely that the whole church was peopled with educators of all types, professors and teachers. It was likely to have been similar to your church or body of worshipers. And yet all of those people were full of goodness and knowledge, competent to instruct others.
I would venture that your church is the same. Your church has good people who have had experiences of service and mercy which they could share with others. By witnessing, by telling the stories, by living as an example of Christ, all faithful believers can teach others.
We also need to remember that we are not alone. With the Holy Spirit we are able to instruct one another. And the Spirit can fill us with so much joy and peace that we overflow with hope, overflowing in our actions and attitudes which lead others to be faithful too.
DAILY CHALLENGE: Pray that the Holy Spirit will fill you with such joy and peace that you may overflow into the lives of others, guiding them in faith.
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