Deuteronomy 14:22
Our current Bible study is examining how to manage money and how to deal with money in Biblical ways. At the outset of the study the author points out that there are more than 2,000 verses in the Bible that talk about money. One of the earliest comments on money is this one in Deuteronomy.
A fairly simple statement, it has deeper meanings. What is the command? What is the purpose?
If we will be successful in life we will probably do much better if we can learn to manage our money. That involves deciding how much goes to what and when it gets paid. Deuteronomy 14:22 makes it clear that we should give to God first.
Most people are familiar with the expression “I have too much month left at the end of the money” when it comes to finances. I imagine that many people also take the approach that they will give to the church or any other charity IF they have any money left over. However, this is not supposed to be our attitude.
An emphasis on offering the tithe to God should not be the church being greedy, wanting its slice of the pie before any money gets spent. The emphasis from God is that the tithe – ten percent – is supposed to honor God.
The tithe is to be taken out first, before you begin paying other bills and spending money on other needs. By setting aside this tenth of your belongings, or income, you are offering praise and respect to God. You are also being reminded that all things come from God. It all belongs to Him, He just wants ten percent back as an expression of gratitude.
Honoring God should not be an afterthought. Your relationship and praise of God should not be something that you do if you have time for it. It should be foremost in your heart and mind. God should be foremost in your life.
I know from experience that setting aside the first ten percent before beginning to deal with creditors, groceries, car payments and incidental costs can be a frightening thing. But I also know from experience that God provides for our needs and we make it through every week.
DAILY CHALLENGE: If you do not already tithe – giving ten percent of your income – you are challenged to begin doing that now. On payday set aside the cash or write the check first, before spending any money elsewhere. God has challenged us in Malachi 3:10 to test His abilities. I challenge you to let God prove His ability to provide for you.
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