Proverbs 22:6
In preparation for our Mother’s Day service we have asked people to submit their “kitchen tips,” helpful hints and suggestions, teachings, on how to do things in the kitchen. These wonderful ideas can be transferred into Biblical teachings, suggestions and directions on how to live good and Godly lives.
So, today we look at a familiar passage from Proverbs. What should we do? What is the result?
At first glance the passage may seem to apply only to parents. After all, only a parent has children to train. But I believe this passage, and others, applies to all those who obey God. We are told to train or teach others in the ways of living good and holy lives.
In Matthew 28:18-20 Jesus offers final instructions to his disciples and part of that instruction is to teach others. There are many references to teaching throughout the New Testament, and Colossians 3:16 speaks about teaching and admonishing “one another with all wisdom.”
I believe it is part of our duty as Christians to be teachers. We may not stand in front of a classroom or behind a pulpit, but we can all teach. We may not read from a textbook or make notes on a chalkboard, but we can all present lessons.
We can teach by sharing advice. We can teach by helping others understand the Biblical lessons and Biblical principals that apply to life. And we can teach by being living examples of what it means to have faith, to share God’s love, to be holy, to be good, to be giving.
Whether or not you are a parent you should train a child in God’s ways. Whether the child is young or an older “child” of God, you can teach about God’s love.
DAILY CHALLENGE: What lesson about God can you teach someone?
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