1 Timothy 4:9-12
In the August 2008 issue of “Reader’s Digest” there is an article (page 15) about a girl named Carly Zalenski. At age twelve she decided she wanted to raise money for a school in Vietnam. In two years Carly raised $50,000.
It isn’t always older adults who can do good work in the world. Sometimes children do incredible things.
1 Timothy is a letter to a young leader in the emerging church. What is the trustworthy saying? What instruction is given in verse 11? What encouragement is offered?
Timothy is referred to earlier in the book as “my son” and 2 Timothy mentions both his mother and grandmother. These, coupled with the statement that he should not let others look down on him because of his youth, indicate that Timothy is likely a teen-ager. Yet he is a leader in this early church, doing the work of a minister and evangelist.
As we work in ministry and outreach in our churches we need to remember that the work of God’s kingdom can be accomplished by people of all ages. Faith may be mature in a person young in age. Such awareness should keep us humble, knowing that there are times when the faith of a youth is stronger than the faith of one much older.
But we need to keep the same attitude with the new Christian. Too often we treat those new to the faith as if their relationship with the Lord is not good enough or strong enough. We can create a sense of unworthiness in others, especially the new convert, if we will not admit that the length of time a person claims the title of “Christian” is not the only way to measure faith.
I believe we can learn lessons from younger people. We can listen to the youth in our churches to discover new ways to be real and relevant. I believe we can learn how best to be a church from the new visitor and the new Christian. They bring a fresh perspective and a keener insight of the secular world.
Pride in your church and pride in your own faith is not a bad thing. But we must be cautious that our own pride does not hinder us from accepting, welcoming and encouraging new believers. Humbly accept the work of God, and humbly serve Him.
DAILY CHALLENGE: How do you measure faith in yourself and others?
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