Acts 6:1-7
The church where we currently serve held a fellowship dinner on our first Sunday. When the meal was done I asked our children to gather dirty silverware and take it to the kitchen to be washed. This was what we did in our old church.
But after they had gathered a number of place-settings we were informed everyone had brought their own silverware! What an impression we made.
Although it was a mistake at that time, the concept is still good. We must all pitch in and help where we are able so that ministry can move forward. We all have a part we can play.
As we return to our daily devotions this fall we are examining how we can answer the call of God, to step up into leadership and strengthen the church. The first step is realizing we are all called to ministry.
We see this in the early church, in fact at a very early stage in this new worship group. Why were some people unhappy? What did the twelve leaders say about their own ministry? Who was chosen to help the widows? What was the result?
It may strike a person as arrogant that the Twelve, the disciples, the leaders of this new church, were not willing to stop doing the preaching to wait on tables and clean up after meals. But what is essential here is that the Twelve realized preaching was their ministry. Other ministries had to be filled by people who were called to and would be skilled at those ministries.
Just as you would not expect a car mechanic to do your dental work, or for your plumber to diagnose an illness, churches should not expect any willing person to fill any spot that is open. Any ministry should be filled by those who are called to that ministry.
But it is essential that we all realize that we are all called to some ministry. God has not passed over any of us leaving us with no skills. Each must do his or her part in serving God. Each should find a place to fit in and do work.
In our new church we had to adjust to a new way of doing things. The same is true of all churches today. We may have to examine ministry and who will do it and change the way things have been done so that God’s kingdom may move forward and grow.
DAILY CHALLENGE: How can you help?
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