1 Samuel 25:18-22
This past summer at our community VBS I lost my temper with one of the volunteers. It was an embarrassing time for me. I had committed a terrible sin and had to seek forgiveness. To do that I had to find the person I offended and apologize. It was all resolved in the end, but the offended person did not want to speak with me at first, and I did not look forward to that necessary confrontation.
Today’s passage is a portion of a long story involving David, a man named Nabal and Nabal’s wife, Abigail. David and his men have been protecting the shepherds in a certain region and David sent messengers asking for some food, an expression of gratitude for what they have been doing. But Nabal rejects David, which angers him.
What did Abigail do when she learned of the offense? Where does Abigail find David? What were David and his men doing?
The intelligent wife of the foolish Nabal must correct the mistake her husband has made. Nabal has failed to show proper appreciation for the protection and security his servants and property have received. David is so angry he is planning to attack Nabal and his servants, killing every one of them.
Abigail sets out to avert catastrophe. She has prepared the food that David was looking for earlier, but that is not enough. She must go out and find David, literally placing herself in his way so that good may be done.
We can imagine that she was not looking forward to this task. She was putting herself at considerable risk, standing in the way of an angry warrior and his soldiers. But to accomplish what needed to be done she had to place herself in a position that would guarantee the deed was accomplished.
When we answer God’s call to ministry we may feel reluctant to do the work. The ministry may require some sacrifice on our part. Or it may seem too much. We may hesitate putting ourselves on the line to do the work of God’s kingdom.
But that is what we need to do. When we answer God’s call we must place ourselves into the thick of the situation, putting our own confidence and comfort on the line for God. We are often called not to simply provide for a ministry, but actually be part of it. We should step out in faith and place ourselves where we can be used for God’s good.
DAILY CHALLENGE: Where do you need to place yourself to do ministry?
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