Nehemiah 1:8-11
When we came to our current appointment, land was donated to the church and money was being raised to build a new parsonage. Before the work began on the foundation we gathered on the property and held a special service. In that service we prayed for God’s blessing on the property and the house that would soon be there. It was important to consecrate the land, the work, and the vision with the power of God.
Nehemiah is the man who is known for rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem, and that is what the book bearing his name is all about. And here, at the beginning of this book, is the prayer of Nehemiah.
What does Nehemiah ask God to remember? What has God promised? What does Nehemiah remind God about? What does Nehemiah ask for?
Before he began his work Nehemiah turned to God in prayer. Before he laid the foundation of the wall he laid the foundation of the work, and that foundation was in the strength of God, the ability and success that only comes from God. If we are to face the challenges of ministry, if we will try new things or breathe life into existing things, we should first realize that we need God to be present with us. We must first turn to God and seek His blessings and strength in what we plan to do.
Our prayers are opportunities to be in communion with our Lord, but they are also opportunities to find strength and success. Our prayers can include requests for direction from God, instruction and guidance for where we should be in ministry, but we can also pray for God’s blessings on what we will do. Nehemiah was up front about his request – “Give your servant success.”
We need to be bold in our conversations with God. If you will be in ministry for God then both you and God will want to see success, so let us be willing to ask for it. Be direct, and seek God’s blessings on what you will do.
DAILY CHALLENGE: What success are you seeking?
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