Luke 8:22-25
Our daughter is very afraid of insects and bugs, especially spiders. Usually, when there is a spider in the house she will come get me and make me go squash the little pest. It can be irritating that she can’t take care of the situation herself, yet at the same time it makes me a hero of sorts. And it’s part of my job as a father.
In Luke we have the familiar story of Jesus and the disciples in a boat during a storm. What did Jesus do as they sailed? What happened with the boat? What did the disciples do? What did Jesus do?
I must admit this is one of those Biblical stories that often gives me problems. When I read it I am right there with the disciples, shaking in my boots at the storm. Why did he get mad at them for waking him up?
It seems many assume that Jesus rebukes his followers – “Where is your faith?” – because he is grouchy from being awakened.
But I wonder if Jesus’ comment is not so much about the fact that they woke him up and more about their attitude. Perhaps he did not mind being awakened. They could not still the storm, but he could. Why would he be angry about that?
Perhaps the lack of faith was something Jesus saw in their faces. They didn’t wake him up to calm the storm. They woke him up so he wouldn’t sleep through all of them drowning together. Perhaps their lack of faith was that they did not know he was able to still the storm.
In life we are going to face storms. Some will literally be wind and rain, others will be emotional and spiritual storms. Is it wrong for us to be upset? Is it wrong for us to be concerned?
I don’t think so. I think it is logical and part of who we are to be upset by the storms of life. But as we face these storms we need to remember that Jesus is with us. We shouldn’t be afraid to wake him up and ask him to calm the situation. I don’t think God gets angry when we ask Him to help us. Our lack of faith comes when we forget to call on God or we forget that He can calm the storm.
DAILY CHALLENGE: Where is your faith?
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