Psalm 51:10
For the past several years we have had bottled water, the kind that comes in 5-gallon jugs and is dispensed through a chilling tank. Because of that I have become accustomed to pure water. I like my drinks – iced tea, hot tea, water – to be clear and pure, free from any contaminants.
I try to have the same attitude with my thoughts and feelings. It is part of my daily prayer to ask God to keep my thoughts and intentions pure, clean, and holy. The same thoughts are expressed by the psalmist in today’s passage. What two things does the psalmist ask for? What do you think a pure heart is like? What is a steadfast spirit?
True purity is hard to achieve. Whether you are talking about water, food, air or thoughts and attitudes, it is difficult to reach a level of purity. Contaminants seem always nearby ready to pollute whatever is pure.
This is true of our hearts. No matter how devout and holy we want to be we can often have things enter into our hearts and minds that distract us from God. Or we may simply be unable to maintain the fervor and dedication we once had.
When we find our faith failing or when we seem to have lost sight of God we must remember that He welcomes our return. When we lose the fervor we once had for ministry we can always turn to the refreshing well of our God. The Lord welcomes those who hunger and thirst for His presence. The Lord can restore and revive any soul, we simply need to seek Him.
If you feel that your heart is not in your relationship with God, if you feel you have strayed from the Lord, or if you simply want a renewed attitude and connection with God, you can join in this prayer with the psalmist of old.
DAILY CHALLENGE: How can you live out having a steadfast spirit?
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