Matthew 1:20-21
Another pastor once shared with me that the most awe-inspiring idea of Christmas is the manifestation of Jesus. The fact that God became flesh, became a human so that He might live among us and among other humans, is the most incredible part of Christmas.
We can get so caught up in the presents of Christmas that we forget about the “presence” we have with Christmas. Christmas is that celebration of the presence of God in our lives.
We are familiar with the beginning of the story of Christmas. Joseph, a carpenter, is engaged to be married to a young woman named Mary. But suddenly it is discovered that Mary is with child and Joseph is not the father. Disturbed and probably embarrassed, Joseph decides to end the relationship.
Who appears to Joseph? What assurance is given? What name is to be given?
The name “Jesus” that we use is the Greek version of “Joshua.” In Hebrew it is “Yeshua,” and the name has as its meaning “the Lord saves.”
This child was born of the Holy Spirit. This child was God in flesh, come to the world so that the world might be saved from hopelessness and sorrow, from the worries and fears of a life of sin.
Jesus was a gift from God and of God. It was a very personal and meaningful gift. It was precisely what we all needed and still need today.
Our giving of gifts is just a faint shadow of the generosity of God. We cannot duplicate a gift as wonderful as Jesus, but our presents that we exchange at Christmas should be a closer reflection of the gift of God. Our gifts should be just what the recipient wants and needs. Our gifts should be from our hearts and possibly be from ourselves and not just something costly we purchased.
As we look at Christmas in a new way, let the thought of giving meaningful gifts, heartfelt gifts, personal gifts be your guide.
DAILY CHALLENGE: Do you need to re-think what you will give to others this year?
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