Matthew 2:1-2
Part of the fun of Christmas is the surprise of the gifts. It is fun to give someone something when they aren’t exactly sure what it is that they are getting. There is joy in seeing the look of excitement at some unexpected present. One of my worries over the holidays is accidentally spilling the beans about what gifts we are giving.
The gift of Jesus Christ was indeed one of those unexpected gifts in a way. The birth of a Messiah was predicted and looked for, but no one knew exactly when it would happen. And the birth of this small child was the beginning of a rebellion in that society. Jesus, the Messiah, came to turn things upside down, to help the poor, to heal the sick, to forgive sinners. He would be a king far different from the earthly kings people were accustomed to.
One of the signs to indicate the birth of this new king was a star that appeared in the east. Who came because of the star? Who did they visit first?
The wise men, or Magi, were able to determine that a great king had been born in Judea. A star had appeared and they followed it many miles to Jerusalem. And here, in this capital city, they looked first for the new king. They asked the current king, Herod, about the new-born child.
It was an innocent assumption on the part of these three. They assumed that the next great king would be born in the majestic and important city of Jerusalem, so they started their search there. But in visiting Herod they tipped their hand, so to speak. They let this cruel and ruthless king know that one greater than he had been born. Herod learned from the wise men that a rebellion was beginning.
But that rebellion was not a political or military rebellion. It was a rebellion of attitude and behavior. Jesus came to bring love and peace and mercy, not strife and struggle and greed.
As we celebrate Christmas this year we encourage you to be part of the rebellion Jesus began. Rebel against strife and greed. Rebel against insensitivity and callous behavior. Instead, let us spend less money on presents and spend more time in fellowship with one another. Let us share a smile and our time with those we love, and also with the stranger we see on the street.
DAILY CHALLENGE: Is there something new you will do this Christmas, something good that is different than what you have done in the past?
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