Matthew 19:24-26
As a child my mother had an expression she used frequently whenever I or any of my friends misbehaved. She would warn us that if we didn’t straighten up she was “going to put our head between our ears.” Such a threat scared us so much we always stopped any rowdy activity. It took years and years for any of us to realize that what she threatened was really no threat at all.
Jesus, on the other hand, has a famous saying that most people are familiar with. What does he say about the rich in verse 24? What do the disciples ask? What assurance does Jesus give?
Over the years I have heard many sermons commenting on the famous pronouncement that it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter heaven. Some have claimed that the “Eye of the Needle” is a small gate in the walls of Jerusalem. A camel and rider must lower themselves to squeeze through the narrow opening. Others have stated that Jesus is simply speaking symbolically, using a dramatic comparison to get the crowd’s attention.
The most recent commentary I have read, however, claimed that there is no such gate for the city of Jerusalem, and it is most probable that Jesus was being quite literal in what he was saying. A rich person will likely have some difficulty entering into heaven. The implication is that a person with wealth is apparently not being very generous to those in need all around them.
Although the comment upset the disciples and may worry us as well, Jesus does give us some hope. Nothing is impossible with God. If the rich can’t enter heaven because they haven’t been obedient to Christ, then the poor can worry just as much. There are few of us who truly live out what it means to be Christian.
The rich allow their money to get in the way of their obedience to God, but those who are not rich have their own faults. Each of us can allow other things in life to get in our way of doing the good work of Christ. We need to clear away all of those things that fill us up and replace obedience to the will of God. And when we feel overwhelmed by such a challenge, we can remember that all things are possible with God.
DAILY CHALLENGE: How can you remove those things that will keep you from entering heaven?
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