Matthew 6:1-4
It is common in Lent for people to give up something as a sign of their faith journey to holiness. Unfortunately it is also common for those who have given up something to make loud announcements and proclamations of what they have given up. They lament their decision to give up chocolate and commiserate with others on how much they miss it. Or they announce how much time they have devoted to Bible study and how hard it is for them to carry through on their plans.
While it is good and noble to be willing to enter into a time of self-denial, the attitude we take on can remove the goodness of those intentions. What comments does Jesus make about sacrifice? What have these people already received? What should our attitude be?
If we sacrifice anything just so that others can see how good we are, then we have already received our reward. We managed to impress others, but we have done nothing to enrich our connection to God.
In verse 3 Jesus makes the comment that we should not let our left hand know what our right hand is doing. And that instruction seems like an impossible thing to do. How can one hand do something without our entire body knowing what is going on?
Well, in the physical world that is a complete impossibility. If any part of our body functions the entire body is aware of it.
But if we look at this from a spiritual point of view it may make more sense. If the left hand represents the human part of our thinking, and the right hand represents the spiritual side of who we are then it can be accomplished.
If we can give and sacrifice, if we can exhibit costly grace on a purely spiritual level – the right hand – and do that work for purely sacrificial reasons, then we are denying our human desire for popularity and praise. If our actions are done in honest love and genuine sacrifice, then our right hand – our spirit – has done something that does not benefit the left hand – our humanness.
DAILY CHALLENGE: What can you do to keep your acts of grace centered on your right hand – your spiritual side – and not your left hand – your human, earthly side?
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