John 6:35
I remember very clearly the day I went with a friend, Ed, to his girlfriend’s house. Her grandmother happened to be visiting from Kentucky that weekend and she was busy in the kitchen cooking green beans, ham, and cornbread when we got there. When the food was ready Ed and I were invited to sit down and join them all for dinner. We did, and the food was so good I had three helpings.
While I was eating, and having trouble maintaining some decorum because of the delicious food, I was aware of what poor manners I was displaying by eating so much. But Ed told me that it probably pleased his girlfriend’s grandmother to know her food was appreciated. Others have pointed out the same thing. I need not worry about my manners at that meal. I was welcome at that table.
The same is true of our Savior. We are welcome at the Lord’s Table, even if we do not deserve to be there. In a discussion about food Jesus took an opportunity to make a point about himself. What does he say of himself? What does he offer to those who are hungry and thirsty?
In this very poignant moment, Jesus makes a very clear comparison about himself. Jesus is the bread of life. Jesus is the substance that sustains and feeds us. He is as basic to our existence as the staple of bread that keeps us alive.
And, being that bread of life, Jesus invites us to take part in him. We are encouraged to encounter Christ in a very personal way. We are invited to make Christ part of who we are.
But there is more involved than that. Not only are we invited into this encounter with Jesus, we are sought out by Jesus. He desires to have that encounter with us. He desires that we encounter him and make him a basic part of how we live and act.
Jesus brought the disciples together to share the bread and the wine, the body and blood of Christ. We too are invited and sought after to come to the Lord’s Table and make the sacrifice of Jesus that transforming moment in our own lives.
DAILY CHALLENGE: How can you welcome Christ’s invitation?
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