Matthew 11:28-29
Whenever my wife or I come back from the store we usually call our children to come help us carry in the groceries. We do it so often, in fact, that most of the time when we hear the van pull into the driveway it is an automatic response to go out and see if help is needed. It is a time to share the burden, a time to help out a person who is overloaded.
Sometimes we may find our lives being overloaded. We may be burdened with more than simply bags of groceries, but burdened with worries, loneliness, despair, and emotional pain. What does Jesus offer? What does he urge us to do? What will we receive if we take on the yoke of Christ?
The invitation Jesus gives here is more than an offer to tote heavy bags. Rather, it is an invitation to hand our cares and fears over to him. In so doing our emotional and spiritual burdens can be relieved. Jesus will help us bear the load of struggles and pain. He invites us into a time of rest.
But then Jesus invites us to take on his yoke. At first this may seem contrary to the overall message. Usually a yoke is associated with work, labor, and effort. If Jesus is offering his yoke to us is he offering to make us toil?
I don’t believe that the offer is for us to do more work. The meaning is in what is being offered. A yoke is a device used with horses and oxen for pulling heavy loads. The yoke joins the abilities of two or more animals so that they work together for success. If a yoke is used on a single animal the device spreads the weight and strain of the work so that it is less difficult. A yoke also can keep the animal going in the proper direction.
Taking on the yoke of Christ means that we make Jesus part of who we are, how we act, how we live, and how we deal with troubles. If we are yoked with Christ then we are allowing ourselves to be guided by Jesus and his teaching. If we are yoked with Christ then we are sharing our troubles and burdens with him. Jesus is taking on part of the burden to make things easier for us.
Going to Jesus and sharing his yoke is not taking on more work. Rather it is accepting the constant help that Christ offers.
DAILY CHALLENGE: How can you take on the yoke of Christ?
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