Luke 18:18-22
I used to absolutely dread going to the Department of Motor Vehicles to have anything done. It seemed that every time I went I had to wait in line for nearly an hour only to get to the counter and learn that I did not have all the documents required. It can be frustrating to find out that you are not prepared for whatever it is you are planning to do.
Jesus encountered a rich man once. In the encounter Jesus had to let the man know that he wasn’t as ready as he thought he was. What question does the man ask? What “good things” does Jesus list as requirements? Where does the man stand as far as these commandments? What is he lacking?
If you continue reading this story you will find that the rich ruler, or rich young man, is unable to do all the things that Jesus has listed as requirements to inherit eternal life. When he first came we can imagine that he may have been feeling rather cocky. He already obeyed the Ten Commandments – no adultery, no murder, no stealing, and so on.
But Jesus adds one more thing as a requirement for eternal life. Give away everything.
This story is frequently used when talking about financial giving. I wonder, though, if Jesus’ response about selling everything was specific for that person. He was rich. What he lacked was the ability to give up his money.
I think the overall message of this encounter is not about money, but about commitment. If we will seek Jesus we must be committed to that encounter and that relationship. We can’t just go through the rituals of faith – I sit in a pew; I sing the hymns; I pray, therefore I am a good Christian. We must be completely committed.
The rich man claimed to be a good man and probably thought himself very devout. But really, how hard is not to steal, murder or commit adultery? His investment in his faith was minimal and superficial.
Jesus calls us to seek him, but we must seek him with conviction and with a whole-hearted attitude.
DAILY CHALLENGE: What must you “sell” so that you can seek after Jesus?
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