Joshua 1:9
My father once shared the story of a car ride he took with another man. He said the car was a mess, rattling and falling apart with one headlight pointed at the side of the road and the other shining in the trees. The driver was all over the road, weaving back and forth.
Seeing my dad’s anxiety the driver assured him, “Jesus is my co-pilot.” But Dad thought, “I believe Jesus jumped out of this car a few miles back.”
As Joshua took over leadership for the Israelites he certainly had his own worries. What assurance does God give him?
When we’re pinned down and asked directly about the idea of God’s presence, just about every faithful Christian will confess that they believe God is with them at all times. If we really stop and think about it and if we really believe what we are supposed to believe, then we should be confident that God is with us at all times.
But so often our attitudes and behavior can demonstrate just the opposite. If we are confronted with the unknown or with challenges and troubles we immediately begin fretting over our situation and our circumstances. When troubles come we feel all alone.
If we are called on to do work for the Lord, we hesitate. So few people are willing to do any type of outreach work for church because of the fears they have in that work.
It is uncomfortable and frightening to go into new neighborhoods, especially under-privileged neighborhoods, and try to help the needy. We fear that we will be victims of crime. We fear that we will not be at all successful in helping those in need.
The words God spoke to Joshua are words meant for us as well. “Be strong and courageous.” The Lord will be with you wherever you go.
DAILY CHALLENGE: How can you be strengthened to do the Lord’s work?
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