Matthew 5:48
As our children grow up we have fewer and fewer instances where my wife and I have to tell them, “You’ll understand it when you get older.” They are getting older and indeed understanding more and more of what goes on around them and what goes on in society.
Like children, we as believers need to grow up in our faith. Complete understanding, the ability to trust whole-heartedly, complete dedication to serving God and sharing the good news of Jesus does not come automatically but must increase over time. As Christians we should be growing day by day.
In Matthew 5 we have the famous “Sermon on the Mount,” a profound set of teachings from Jesus. What does Jesus call us to be? Who should we imitate?
As mentioned before, the idea of being perfect may not exactly mean that we are completely holy as Jesus was holy. The perfection we are called to may not enable us to heal the sick and walk on water. The word “perfect” as it is used here can be translated as “mature, whole, complete.”
So, we are called to be mature in the same way that God is mature. We are called to be whole and complete just as God is. Such a command seems harder to define than the more familiar definition of “perfect.”
To be as mature and whole as God would mean that we have a complete confidence in the goodness of God. It would mean having a broader world-view, the ability to see the world as a whole and not just as separate pieces with one group fighting against another (This comment comes at the end of the command to love our enemies).
To be perfect as God is perfect would mean that we have the ability to love all people. To be complete would mean that we have reached spiritual maturity, able to live a life in complete faith and trust to God, and able to commit ourselves completely to His kingdom.
DAILY CHALLENGE: What new strength has been added to your faith?
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