Matthew 9:35-38
Many people try very hard to be certain everything is ready for any event where guests are expected. If someone is coming to dinner you may want to be certain all the food is ready, the table is set, and the glasses for drinks are out. If planning an event at your church you want all the tables and chairs set out ahead of time, the coffee pot going, and everything tidy.
There is nothing wrong with that attitude, but we must also see that there is nothing wrong in asking guests to take part in the preparation either. There are many times when the guest actually feels better about helping out than being catered to completely. They feel part of the event because they were part of the work.
In Matthew we have a general summing up of Jesus’ ministry. What were all the things Jesus did? How did Jesus feel toward the people? What should we ask for?
The ministry of Jesus, in fact his entire purpose for becoming human and coming to earth, was all about compassion. He came because he loves us and because God wanted good things to come to us.
With that compassion Jesus taught about living in the kingdom of God. He preached. He healed people. And then at one point he invited his disciples to be part of this wonderful ministry.
The harvest Jesus is talking about is the gathering in of souls. He was talking about bringing the hopeless and sorrowful, sin-sick souls in the world to the wonderful comfort and joy of being in relationship with God. The disciples were then told to ask God to send others out in the world to do the same ministry.
And we as followers of Christ should ask God for the same thing. We should ask God to send us out into the world, to be the workers for God. We should be part of this ministry of inviting others in to experience a new life of love and grace in the presence of God.
We should be part of the preparation of the great celebration of salvation and mercy.
DAILY CHALLENGE: How can you help with the harvest?
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