Psalm 119:41-42
I have been noticing more and more situations in television shows and movies where characters make erroneous assumptions about religion. Sometimes there are questions raised about the Christian faith. When I see these situations or hear the comments I feel like jumping up and giving my interpretation of religion. But, of course, that is somewhat pointless since the people can’t hear me.
At least I feel confident enough in my faith to be able to respond should any of these situations arise in my life. As believers we need to be prepared to deal with the misinformed, the misguided, and those who are just not seeing the truth.
The psalmist has his faith firmly grounded in the Lord in today’s passage. What does he ask for? What confidence does he hold? Where does it come from?
Just as we should face each new day with the assurance that God is with us and that we are called to share our faith with others, we should know in our hearts that God has promised us His unfailing love and our salvation. With that confidence in our hearts we can confront any situation or person who will seek to sway us from the holy path of our faith.
And where does this confidence come from? It comes from the Word of God. If we can become more familiar with the teachings of God as presented in the Bible, if we can build up our spiritual strength through worship and Christian fellowship, then we can walk with calm assurance through all the trials and tribulations of life.
Like the psalmist we must trust in the word of the Lord. We must live in the secure confidence of the promises God has made to us. The messages of the Bible are not just for distant people who lived long, long ago. The words of God are intended for us today.
We must move forward in life with the surety that Jesus was speaking to us when he said “Surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28:20)
DAILY CHALLENGE: What will help you trust in the word of God?
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