Psalm 91:9-10
When the youth group at our previous church took a mission trip to North Carolina they stopped to help a van that was broken down on the side of the road. As they approached the van one of the people there said, “You’re Christians, aren’t you?”
Our youth leader said, yes, they were and asked how they knew. The man said, “Because we just prayed that God would send us someone to help.”
The story is an incredible testimony to the power and grace of God. Unfortunately, the solution to our troubles doesn’t always come as quickly as that.
The author of Psalm 91 has a great deal of confidence in God. What advice does he give? What assurance does he offer?
A common misconception is that once you have turned your heart and your life over to God then all of your problems will disappear. It can cause those who believe to doubt their faith when troubles do arise. “Why has God abandoned me?” they might ask.
The words of Psalm 91 can’t always be taken quite so literally. Life is full of troubles and problems. Some are of our own making. We make wrong decisions and bad choices and then suffer the consequences of them.
Other troubles come from people and situations outside our own control. We can feel assaulted and under attack from many different sources.
While I do not believe that faith in God will spare us from all heartache and pain, I do believe that a confident and sure trust in the Lord will bring us safely through any situation. We may have to endure hardships and troubles, but if we believe completely in the love and grace of God then we can weather the storms of life with a peace in our hearts that lets us know that goodness will come from even the darkest of times.
The disaster and harm mentioned in this psalm is more of a devastation of the heart and soul. If we will take refuge in the Lord then our troubles cannot shake our heart and spirit. No harm will befall your soul.
DAILY CHALLENGE: How can you make the Most High your dwelling?
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