Matthew 1:22-23
For me one of the best parts of Christmas is the celebrations that go on over the holidays. I love to get together with family and have those times of frivolity and games, of laughter, good food, and companionship. It is good to catch up with distant kin and old friends.
But in time the holiday must end and we must face the bleak cold of winter that still remains. We must return to our homes and say good-bye to friends and family until the holidays come around again.
We can often take the same approach to the meaning of Christmas. Once everything is put away, all the gifts have been opened and the wrapping paper and boxes cleaned up, we can forget about the holiday. But the gift of Jesus is an eternal gift. What was prophesied? What title was to be given to the child?
An angel informed Mary and Joseph that they would be parents. Mary would give birth to a child. And this alone would be reason enough to celebrate. They could look forward to the many years of watching the child grow to manhood, the many years of his struggles and success as a person.
But they also had more reason to celebrate. This was no ordinary child. He was God in human form. He was to be called “Immanuel.” He was God living among us. And that would never end.
As we say good-bye to the holidays this year let us remember that the love of God does not go away when the decorations come down. Jesus is God with us, not just then, but now and forever. The gift of God’s grace is an eternal and everlasting gift. God is with us always.
As we enjoy the Christmas season this year let us keep the memory of this gift alive in our hearts at all times. Let us forever remember that God is with us, not just in the laughter and happiness of the day, but in the love that surrounds us every day.
DAILY CHALLENGE: What can remind you that God is with you always?
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