Romans 8:31-32
I like playing games that involve tactics and strategy. One I really enjoy is the game of “Risk.” The game represents the world at war with players moving armies around the globe to defeat enemies.
As the game progresses there is a point at which one player’s forces will become so large that there is no way to stop them. World domination is inevitable and it is simply a matter of time before one winner emerges.
This is the kind of situation Paul is talking about when he speaks of the accomplishment of our faith in God. What does he say about God being “for us?” How do we know God will give us all that we need?
1 John 4:16 says, “Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him.” If we are committed to our relationship with our heavenly Father then our faith connects us with the Almighty. We are “in” God and God is a part of us.
John also says in 1 John 5:5, “Who is it that overcomes the world? Only he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.” When we have the faith that we are called to then the accomplishment of that faith is to have the firm confidence we need to confront every situation and every challenge in life. We will be able to live a life of complete faith, overcoming all temptations and failings. We can move on toward the perfection we are called to.
And as we have our faith come to maturity we need to have the confidence of the assurance of Jesus Christ. When we have faith in Christ then Jesus is living in us. And if God is in favor of us, on our side, serving as that strength we need, then what can possibly be an obstacle to us?
We know that God is with us because we are aware of the love He has already shown us. Paul points out that God did not even spare His own Son for our benefit. With that type of love already displayed we should know in our hearts that God will give us the ability to be strong in our faith.
DAILY CHALLENGES: How can you face life’s obstacles with mature faith?
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