John 14:15-17
Our children have impressed many a guest at dinner when they get up from the table and begin clearing away the dishes. People have been astounded that these teens are so willing to do this unpleasant task without being berated and goaded into working.
Why do they do it? They do it because they have been taught to do this and they know this is a natural part of being a member of our family. You pitch in and do your part. It is how we keep our family a happy one and how we express love for one another.
In the Gospel of John Jesus offers a simple comment on how to be a faithful believer. How can we show Jesus that we love him? Who will God send to us? How is it we are already familiar with this Counselor?
This is the way we live out the faith we have. We obey the commands of Jesus. We live out the instruction of Jesus. We do that by showing the love of God to the world – by being forgiving and caring in our actions.
This is how we reach the accomplishment and fulfillment of our faith. We love Jesus so much that we will do as he commands with a joyful heart and not a grudging obligation. It is love for Christ that prevents the commands of Jesus from becoming a burden (see 1 John 5:3).
But we are not alone in the living out of our faith. Jesus has promised to send us a Counselor. We know this Counselor, the Spirit of truth, to be the Holy Spirit of God. The Holy Spirit living inside us helps us to reach that maturity level in our faith that we can be God’s representatives in the world.
If we can allow the Holy Spirit to compel and direct us we can truly reach that accomplishment of faith that brings our faith in God to complete maturity and wholeness.
DAILY CHALLENGE: What will help you obey what Jesus has commanded?
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