John 12:44-46
We are planning to teach our children how to cook. We already have them help out as much as they can in the kitchen, but we intend to give them more responsibility and more detailed instruction in meal preparation.
In doing this we will be passing down recipes and cooking techniques that have been handed down over the years. Our parents taught us and they learned from others in the distant past. Our children will learn and will some day teach others. The learning and skills will be a continuation of knowledge and ability from generation to generation.
So, also, our belief in Jesus is not an isolated occurrence. Who do we believe in when we believe in Jesus? Who do we see when we see Jesus? Why has Jesus come?
If we will accept Christ as our Savior then we must accept that he is indeed the very Son of God. We must believe that Jesus was God in flesh come to live among us. And if we believe that then we believe in God.
The teachings of Jesus and the way that he lived must, therefore, be the teachings and example of God Himself. If we are to imitate Jesus then we are living out the goodness and holiness of the Almighty.
Belief in Jesus requires an investment on our part. We must be willing to accept the truth about our Savior. We must be willing to live a life that follows the example of Jesus. When we do that we can live a life of goodness, a life that is filled with the light of hope and love from God.
When we invest ourselves in our faith in this way we are investing ourselves in showing God to the world. If we imitate Jesus in our caring for others, in our sacrificial love for them, then the world will see Jesus when they see us. And if Jesus is the example of God, then we must also be the example of God to those who have not met God yet.
It is an awesome responsibility. But it is also a glorious calling for each of us. We can be Christ to the world. We can be the example of God in our living.
DAILY CHALLENGE: How can you show Jesus to the world?
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