John 14:12
Many things get better over time. When I was in school my education was much better, more in-depth and thorough than the education my parents received. Technology improved and the ability to provide information was better.
Today our children are receiving an even better education than my wife and I received. When they come home with stories of the capabilities and equipment the school possesses I am amazed. Their school work is so much more challenging and beneficial than what I went through.
Faith can be like that in many ways. We are called by Jesus to live out our faith in God, and that challenge may be very intimidating to many people. We may feel that we cannot do great things with our faith, but Jesus has given us some assurance.
In John 14 the disciples have questioned Jesus about their relationship with God. It is then that Jesus explains that the work he has done exhibits the love of God. What does Jesus say about those who have faith in him? What promise does he give?
Jesus was able to do incredible miracles in his ministry here on earth. He was able to heal the sick, give sight to the blind, and provide comfort for so many in need. But that ministry had to come to an end because Jesus would give himself over to be crucified and eventually return to the Father in heaven.
But that does not mean the good and holy ministry of Jesus has to end. Rather, the ministry of Jesus must continue, and it must continue with us. The result of our faith is to live out the ministry Jesus began.
Jesus has told us that if we have faith in him, if we believe that Jesus is the Son of God, then we will do the ministry he started. We also will help those in need, offer forgiveness, and provide comfort and guidance.
And the amazing thing is that Jesus says we will do even more than this. Our ministry can go beyond the incredible work that Jesus did on earth. We may feel that we are not good enough or capable enough to do the good work of Jesus, but he assures us that the result of our faith – true faith – will give us the ability to do even greater work than Jesus did. What is essential is that we really believe and that we live out our faith.
DAILY CHALLENGE: How will you continue the ministry of Jesus?
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