Matthew 15:25-28
Our two oldest children are looking for a job. We have been spending time helping to direct them and guide them in the process. We have also shared our experience with job searches to help them along their way.
One of the keys that is hard to internalize is the persistence you need when applying for jobs. I believe that at least one of my jobs was given to me just so that I would stop calling and bothering them.
If we can be that dogged in our job searches, then we can also be that persistent in living out our faith. After all, our faith is much more important than our work.
In Matthew we have an account of a woman who will not leave Jesus alone. While traveling Jesus encounters a Canaanite woman. Such a label means that the woman was not Jewish, but Samaritan – an enemy of the Jews. She asks for healing for her demon-possessed daughter, but Jesus ignores her.
What does the woman do? How does Jesus respond in verse 26? What does the woman’s comment in verse 27 tell us about her? What does Jesus finally do?
It can be a bit shocking to hear Jesus make such disparaging comments to the Canaanite woman. He ignores her. He lets her know she is not part of his flock. And then he basically calls her a dog.
But none of this discourages the woman and she persists in her requests for healing for her daughter. Some say that it was her willingness to accept the insult of being called a dog (verse 27) that made Jesus more willing to help. But I believe it is her continued and persistent faith that did it.
No matter how much she was ignored and insulted, her daughter’s healing was the most important thing on her mind and she would not allow anything to deter her. That example of faith impressed Jesus.
And so we have an example for ourselves. If an outsider, someone not of Jesus’ flock, can demonstrate extreme faith, then why can’t we?
This woman’s faith serves as an example to each of us. We should be willing and able to live out our faith, to go out into the world, to overcome challenges and difficulties, with a powerful faith that allows us to be persistent in serving God.
DAILY CHALLENGE: How strong is your faith?
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