Isaiah 45:5-7
I don’t like spiders. I don’t like snakes and rats, and don’t even get me started on bats. But even though I don’t like these creatures I am aware that these are all part of God’s creation.
The prophet Isaiah presents God’s words on all that He has created. What does God say of Himself in verse 5? What does He do for each of us? What should we realize about God (verse 6)? What has God done?
If we believe that God has made all things then we must believe that God has created those things that bring unpleasantness. As verse 7 tells us, God has created the light and the dark. God brings goodness and also can bring about disaster.
So, what do we do with all this? How are we to feel about the bad that happens in life?
So many people believe that God is fickle and can strike us down in His wrath whenever He chooses. They walk on eggshells every day, worried that the smallest offense can bring doom. Many blame God for all the misfortunes in life. They think God causes their problems as a test for them to endure. You may be one of those people.
I do not believe that our troubles are set up as a test from God, an obstacle for us to overcome and a chance to prove our loyalty to the Lord. I believe God has made all things and all things are good. Sometimes we misuse them and cause these good things to become bad things.
Many things are simply the working of the universe, the powers of nature and life which God has put into place. God made the wind that brings us cooling breezes in the summer, but also dumps treacherous ice and snow on us in winter. It is not an act of malice. It is simply a force which exists.
We must just know that God is master of all things. When we face the troubles of life, even those which seem insurmountable, we must know that this is part of life. But we must also remember what is said in verse 5 – God strengthens us even if we have not honored Him.
The dark times in life are an opportunity for us to turn to God to find strength. They are times to draw near to the Lord and be lifted up by His incredible love.
DAILY CHALLENGE: How can you turn to God in times of strife?
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