Matthew 13:31-32
While I was away one weekend my wife and daughter assembled some goody bags for members of our church to hand out to area families. It didn’t take a great deal of effort – a few candy bars, a flyer and a magnet in each one. But for me, not having to worry about this effort was a tremendous gift of relief. It was one less thing for me to worry about.
I imagine that these small gift bags were a pleasant treat for those who received them. Not a lot of money was spent, not a great deal of time was invested, but these gifts may have brightened the spirits of those who received them. This small effort, done with love, may have had a big impact.
When trying to get a better picture of how God loves us through His teaching we can not overlook the ability of Jesus to teach lessons. Most of his teachings were done in parables, which are defined as short and simple examples using familiar themes.
Today’s reading is one of those parables. To what does Jesus compare the kingdom of heaven? What are the two contrasting images of the mustard seed?
Many people are familiar with Jesus’ comment that we need faith like a mustard seed – that even faith that may seem small can be very strong. But here Jesus is talking about the kingdom of heaven, not faith. What’s the difference?
I believe that faith is our belief and our ability to hold firm to that belief. I believe the kingdom of heaven is not just beliefs, but faith lived out in obedience to God and service to others. Part of the kingdom of heaven is the expression of God’s love in acts of mercy and grace.
Like the mustard seed which begins as very tiny and then grows to such a size that it gives shelter to animals, our acts of kindness and expressions of love can be small. They do not have to be grand, sweeping gestures or dramatic rescues. The smallest of expressions of love and kindness can have huge effects.
But also like the mustard seed, the teachings of Jesus do not need to be lengthy dissertations, explanations and lectures. With very simple words and common images he can convey the profound lessons that we need to hear. From these small gems of wisdom we can gain some of the greatest insights to improve our faith and strengthen our understanding of God’s kingdom.
DAILY CHALLENGE: Which of Jesus’ lessons have made the biggest impact on you?
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