Ephesians 3:16-18
My mother always encouraged me in life. She wanted me to do well in school. She wanted me to have good jobs and to excel at those positions. She wanted me to have a life of fulfillment and happiness.
I didn’t always get to hear about how proud she was of what I had done in my life, however. Instead it seemed that I heard about what successful people my brother and sister were. It wasn’t until a few years ago when I talked to my sister that I found out she was telling her the same things. Mom was proud of me, she just told everyone but me.
In Ephesians we find a prayer offered up for the believers. What should we receive through the glorious riches of Jesus? What should we grasp?
Our celebration of Communion is a celebration of the depth and power of Christ’s love. It is a reminder of how far Jesus was willing to go for us to receive the love of God. Jesus was willing to give himself completely for our salvation. He was willing to replace his holy innocence with the stain of all of our guilt and sin. He was willing to have his body broken on the cross and have his blood poured out so that we might achieve eternal life.
And more than eternal life, Jesus wanted us to know as we lived just how deeply God loves us and cares for us. The breaking of the bread is a reminder that Jesus has broken himself open so that we might have access to his grace and forgiveness.
We do not have to go through life wondering if God loves us. We know in our hearts that He treasures each one of us. The service of Holy Communion should be that constant reminder of how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ. Communion is that opportunity for us be strengthened by the presence of Jesus’ Spirit. It allows us to be rooted in the love of Jesus and to commune – connect – with all the believers who live now and those who have come before us.
Communion is the celebration of the glorious riches Jesus holds for us. Allow the experience to be a time when you welcome the love and presence of God.
DAILY CHALLENGE: How can you allow Communion to remind you of God’s love?
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