John 20:1-2
I hate to misplace things or lose things. I am a man of order and organization. To avoid losing things I keep them in specific places so I know where they are. My ring of keys – car, house, church – and my wallet are either in my pocket or on a specific corner of our bedroom dresser. If they are not in either of those two places then they are lost and I am in a panic.
After the crucifixion and burial, after the Sabbath that followed, Mary Magdalene, a devoted follower of Jesus, went to the tomb. What did Mary discover? How did she react? What did she say to Peter and the other disciple (we assume he is John)?
We can see by Mary’s reaction and her words that she was in a panic. Jesus was not where he was supposed to be. She expected him to be lying in the tomb but when she got there the tomb had been opened and the body was gone.
She ran to Peter and John and told them that someone had stolen the body. She had no idea where the body of Christ was.
It is apparent that Mary, although a close follower of Jesus, had not listened carefully to what Jesus had said. Or, if she did listen, she either didn’t understand or didn’t believe what he had said. The resurrection came as a surprise to her. She knew Jesus was dead and thought he would remain dead.
We can sometimes take that same approach with our faith. We may consider ourselves devoted believers. We attend church often. We try to be kind when we can. We try to be good.
But we can have a faith that is dead. The teachings of the Bible, the moving of the Holy Spirit may mean nothing to us. Christianity is a simple faith that remains rather dormant and lifeless inside our hearts.
With the resurrection we are called to be alive in our faith just as Jesus is alive. We are called to trust in the Lord and accept the many surprising ways that God can show His love in the world – showing love to us and sometimes showing love through us. If we are truly to be part of the resurrection of the Savior then our faith must be living in us, compelling us to do those things which may surprise us.
DAILY CHALLENGE: How can you keep your faith from being dormant and allow it to surprise you from time to time?
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