Many believers, those who have accepted Jesus as Lord, wear a cross around their necks as a sign of their faith. Others may have an ichthus symbol – a fish – on their car, or they may wear a shirt with an inspirational saying.
These are all indications of our faith. They are public displays of our belief. But there are other ways of showing people you believe in God and have accepted Christ as Savior.
Attending public worship is an outward and visible way of showing your faith. Living a life of kindness and compassion is a way of being public in your commitment to God. Baptism is also a public demonstration of a person’s commitment to faith.
In Acts 16 we have the account of Paul traveling in ministry in the company of other faithful believers – Timothy and Silas. Who did these men encounter? What did God do for her? How did Lydia respond?
We know only a little about the woman named Lydia. She was a dealer in purple cloth, which means that she was probably a wealthy merchant since purple cloth at that time was very expensive. We know she was a worshiper of God.
As she listened to Paul preaching God moved her heart. She allowed her faith to deepen. She was no longer just a worshiper of God, but was moved to become a devout believer in Jesus Christ.
Her response to this conversion moment was to be baptized. She no longer simply worshiped in public, but went through the act of being baptized, a public declaration of commitment to God. And this public display of faith was shared by the members of her household. These may have been servants or family members or both.
In any case this woman’s change of heart, this move to a deeper more profound faith was shared with others. Through her commitment other people also were committed to following Jesus.
We can be like Lydia. We can allow God to work in our hearts to help us deepen our faith. And if we can be an example of one who truly loves God we can lead others to salvation and a life of genuine faith too.
DAILY CHALLENGE: How can you make your faith visible to others?
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