Acts 2:1-4
This is the time of year when we begin thinking about graduations and proms. It is a time when these young people we have watched grow from childhood enter into adulthood, our young men dressing in suits and ties, our young women wearing beautiful formal gowns.
This is also a time when we can think about our own graduation in our faith. Acts 2 records what is considered the birth of the church. Who was there? What did they hear? What did they see? What did they do?
The followers of Jesus were gathered for the religious observation of Pentecost – the fiftieth day since Passover. It had been just about seven weeks since the resurrection of Jesus. We don’t know exactly who were numbered in the comment “they were all together,” but Acts 1:15 indicates that these followers – including the eleven remaining disciples – was about one-hundred and twenty.
These followers had not accomplished much since the resurrection. Jesus had appeared to them over the course of forty days following the resurrection, and they had only managed to select a twelfth disciple to replace Judas. But they were waiting for something from God (see Acts 1:4).
That is when the sign came. A great wind filled the house and flames appeared to land on each of the believers. They were filled with the Holy Spirit and given the ability to speak in other languages. The early church was born.
Now these followers were given ability. The Holy Spirit of God was with them. In fact it had filled them and they were given the power to go out and do ministry.
We can look back on the past few months and realize that we have celebrated Christmas, Holy Week, Easter, Mother’s Day and baptisms. We have received teachings from the Bible. Looking back and then looking at ourselves now we can ask “what now?”
We must be like the early followers. We must realize that our work in faith is not ended but just beginning. We must see that we are filled with the Holy Spirit and we have the ability from God to go out from our homes and our churches and be strong in ministry, teaching about God’s salvation and living as examples of Christ’s love.
DAILY CHALLENGE: What will be your next move in faith?
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