In recent meetings with church leaders we have discussed the future of our church, the changes needed, the ministries we hope to adopt, and so on. As we close each meeting we make certain that we are all of one mind – that we all agree on the direction and actions we would like to take. As we discuss our future each person is free to offer suggestions, to share their own vision and hope.
After the Holy Spirit descended on the disciples and other followers, and Peter spoke to a large crowd to encourage their repentance, Acts 2 goes on to talk about this growing church. This band of believers devoted themselves to prayer, teaching and fellowship. What is said of how the believers lived?
The description presented about this emerging church creates an image of communal living. The people spent time together. They prayed and were either taught or united in supporting the teaching of others. They ate together.
Verse 44 says that they had everything in common. The understanding is that they shared all their possessions with each other. They sold what they owned to get money and then gave that money to those who were needy.
But I wonder if all these words could apply to their attitudes toward one another and to ministry as well. It is possible that all the things they held in common went beyond material possessions and included their faith. They may have shared the same attitude and devotion. They may have been sharing brotherly kindness to one another as well as love for each person.
And when they gave to those who had need, perhaps they also gave spiritually. It is possible that these believers gave a new outlook to those who needed hope.
We are called to make disciples. We are called to make brotherly kindness and love part of our faith life. When we can achieve that, then we will all have the same attitude of faith, a shared belief and energy for God, and we can give that belief and love to those who need to find it.
DAILY CHALLENGE: How can you give brotherly kindness and love to those who need it?
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