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Not much to go into battle with, is it? |
- Why, oh why, do we have such short memories? Joshua has to remind the people that they've defeated a bunch of powerful armies! You would think that they might just remember that, wouldn't you? And we're no better. How many times has God won the battle for us over something we were struggling with (when we let Him - see my next point) and we turn right around and forget. It's always been that way (see the 10 Lepers!). But what if we were to live our life not based on fear of the next thing, but rejoicing over the last thing. And carrying that knowledge with you everywhere you went?
- Why don't we trust God? When He proves himself time and time again, you'd think we'd start to learn and trust? But we don't. It seems like every situation that arises, every attack and every disappointment becomes a chance for another selfish little pity party and not a chance to let God triumph. He has promised over and over again that he will take care of our enemies, yet we don't seem to really believe it. Even after he's done it over and over, we still don't really believe it. We need to begin to give the battles in our life to God and step back and let him work miracles!
- What does it mean to love the Lord? Our understanding of love is so limited. But the word used here is 'ahab and it's used throughout the Bible as the kind of love between parents and children or husband and wife. We're supposed to love God in the way we love someone romantically -- be excited to spend time with them, want to know all about them, want to share everything about yourself with them. That's how we are to love God.